Paul Tackley
Update 27 January 2011: Use fink ( dx is now in the "stable" distribution. I successfully compiled and installed it using fink 0.32.0 on MacOS 10.6.8.
Older instructions from 3 August 2010:
1. Make sure Xcode is installed (e.g. from the DVD with the operating system)
2. Use FINK to install openmotif (see
3. Download the source code for dx-4.4.4 from
4. Unpack, go to the directory with the source code and type:
"configure --without-javadx --x-includes=/usr/X11R6/include/ --x-libraries=/usr/X11R6/lib/ --with-motif-libs=/sw/lib/ --with-motif-includes=/sw/include/
sudo make install"
That worked on my Mac!
hint: make sure that the compilation process is using the version of gcc or g++ that comes with Xcode, not one that you have downloaded (e.g., from or compiled yourself (e.g., using FINK). Otherwise, it may crash with an error in some header file.
I previously (e.g. with Leopard) used outboard modules but for some reason these don't seem to work on Snow Leopard. Loadable modules do, however, work. Here I assume you have already written the module (.c and .mdf files), for example following the online guide and examples that come with the dxsamples-4.4.0 package, and just need an appropriate makefile, since there is no Mac makefile given in the samples. Below is one that works for me.
# makefile for LOADABLE module on macosx
# make sure this points to the right directory
BASE = /usr/local/dx
ARCH = macos
include $(BASE)/lib_$(ARCH)/arch.mak
BIN = $(BASE)/bin
INCLUDES = -I$(BASE)/include
LDFLAGS = -shared -e DXEntry -undefined dynamic_lookup
ReadStagVP: ReadStagVP.o
$(BIN)/mdf2c -m ReadStagVP_loadable.mdf > user.c
$(DXCC) $(CFLAGS) -c ReadStagVP_user.c
$(DXCC) $(LDFLAGS) -o ReadStagVP ReadStagVP.o ReadStagVP_user.o
ReadStagVP.o: ReadStagVP.c
$(DXCC) $(CFLAGS) -c ReadStagVP.c