Instructions for using the komp cluster
- 24 dual-400Mhz-processor, called komp01-komp24. komp01 is the "front end" with about 400 Gb of disk space, and should only be used for compiling, visualization etc. Contains data disks d1-d6 and RAID r1.
- 1 dual-850 MHz, called dual850, with data disks e1-e4.
- 1 single Athlon 1333, called niban
- 1 single Athlon XP1900+, called sanban
- 1 single Pentium4 2GHz, called yonban
- From the outside world you can only log in to komp01, the
'server' node. However you can then rlogin to other komps, and
your home directory and data disks are the same (thanks to automount).
- To see how busy the cluster is, type 'cl_load'
- MPI is the communications library used. Since there is no
queuing system, it is necessary to manually specify which nodes
to run on, after first checking which ones are free!
- There are 2 CPUs per komp and hence 2 MPI processes can be
run per komp.
- For scalar (single-node) programs without MPI use either
the GNU compilers g77, gcc, g++, Portland Group compilers pgf77, pgf90, pgcc, pgCC. or the Intel compiler ifc. The Portland Group compilers generally produce code which is faster by ~5-20% for single precision or 50-100% for double precision. The PG compilers also have the possibility of auto-parallelizing for the 2 processors in each komp (SMP) although we haven't tested how well this works.
- For compiling parallel programs use mpif77, mpicc
or mpiCC. These are presently coupled to the GNU compilers
g77, gcc and g++. It would probably be better
to couple them to the PG compilers but I haven't had time to
figure this out yet.
- Use the queueing system PBS to run jobs (see separate instructions)
- cl_load is useful to identify available komps (those with zero load)
- Avoid running jobs on komp01 because its CPUs are often busy
with I/O, tape backups, compiling, etc.
- If someone is already running on a particular komp, don't
start another job on it.
- No more than 1 job per CPU (2 jobs per komp).
- Don't fill up the disks!