EPM Group Seminars - Autumn 2017
Location: ETH Zentrum, NO F11 14:15-15:00 on date mentioned (unless stated otherwise).
Date Title Speaker Affiliation
Wed. Aug. 30 Optimization of kinematic dynamos using variational methods (PhD defence) Long Chen ETHZ
Thu. Sep. 21 The MHD menagerie: a zoo of waves in the earth's outer core Oli Bardsley Cambridge
Thu. Sep. 28
Mon. Oct. 2 (at 10.15 in Hauptgebaude D 16.2) Flows driven by librations in latitude in triaxial ellipsoids (PhD defence) Yoann Charles ETHZ
Tue-Thu. Oct. 3-5 (in F11 as normal) Plate Tectonics at 50 (live screening --- drop in as you fancy) Various Geol Soc London
Fri. Oct. 6 Inst. seminar - How dynamos work Peter Davidson U Cambridge
Thu. Oct. 12 Effects of topography on rotating flows Fabian Burmann ETHZ
Thu. Oct. 19 Main field and secular variation modeling with Defense Meteorological Satellite Program magnetic measurements Patrick Alken NOAA
Thu. Oct. 26 Monopole detection and bounds Ann Hirt ETHZ
Thu. Nov. 2 Thermochemical convection in the Earth's inner core Daria Holdenried ETHZ
Thu. Nov. 9 An introduction to multiple scale convection Stefano Maffei U Colorado
Thu. Nov. 16 Roberts’s Meeting, London - no seminar
Thu. Nov. 23 Mantle mineralogy and E/M induction Federico Munch ETHZ
Fri. Nov. 24 Inst. seminar - Jupiter Keke Zhang Exeter