updated January
29th 2012
Fabio Cammarano
Nationality: Italian
Academic Degrees:
Aug 2004
Ph.D in Geophysics at ETH
Zurich (I)
Thesis: “Constraints on composition and temperature of the Earth's
mantle from seismic and mineral physics data”
Advisors Dr S. Goes and Prof. D. Giardini
Degree in Earth Sciences at Università
degli Studi di Napoli "Federico II" (I)
Thesis: “Applications of the Self-Potential and dipolar
geoelectrical methods in the area of the fossil forest of
Dunarobba (Umbria, Italia)”
Advisor Prof. D. Patella
Research experience:
from Jan. 2012 –
Associate Profesosor (Lektor) at University of Copenhagen
- Department of Geography and Geology
SAPERE AUDE DFF - Research Leader at University of Copenhagen
Jun-Dec 2011
Assistant Professor at University of Copenhagen
- Department of Geography and Geology
2008 – 2011
Marie Curie Fellow - Researcher at GFD
- ETH Zurich (Switzerland)
2005 – 2008
Postdoc researcher at BSL
- UC Berkeley (CA - USA)
Postdoc researcher at ETH
Zurich (I)
2000 – 2004
Ph.D in Geophysics at ETH Zurich (I)
1999 – 2000 Fellow
at CNR - Geomare Sud
- Napoli (I)
1998 – 1999 Collaboration
with the Physics Department at Università degli Studi di Napoli "Federico II"
1995 – 1997 Fellow
see Publication page
Other informations:
Computational knowledge: O.S.: Unix, Mac Os, Windows
Business Software: Microsoft Office, etc.
Graphic Software: Corel Draw, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator
Scientific Sofware: Generic Mapping Tools, Matlab
Programming languages: Fortran 77/90, C
Languages: English, Italian, a bit of German,
French, Spanish
Fabio Cammarano
Associate Professor
Department of Geography and Geology,
University of Copenhagen, Denmark
03.1.359, Øster Voldgade 10
tel: +45 353 22447