EPM Group Seminars - Autumn 2012
Location: ETH Zentrum, NO F39 14:00-15:00 on date mentioned (unless stated otherwise).
Date Title Speaker Affiliation
Thu Sep. 13 Late stage formation of columnar jointed basalt (Hreppholar, Iceland) from magnetic and textural constraints Bjarne Almqvist ETHZ
Thu Sep. 20 Ionospheric Sq field modeling from low-Earth orbiting satellite data Arnaud ChulliatIPGP, France
Thu Sep. 27 Magnetic Anisotropy in Olivine Andrea Biedermann ETHZ
Thu Oct. 4 Magnetization in polar ice cores: a proxy for terrestrial dust provenance and extraterrestrial fallout luca Lanci University Urbino
Thu Oct. 11 Paper discussion Yufeng Lin, Stephan Koch, Jessica Kind
Thu Oct. 18 Atmospheric Electrodynamics Martin Fuellekrug University of Bath, UK
Thu Oct. 25 Dynamos in spheroidal and ellipsoidal geometries David Ivers University of Sydney, Australia
Thu Nov. 1 Is there a planetary influence on solar activity? Jose Abreu ETHZ
Thu Nov. 8 Experimental study of fluid flows in precessing cylindrical annulusYufeng Lin ETHZ
Thu Nov. 15 Robust principal component analysis of electromagnetic arrays Maxim Smirnov University of Oulu, Finland
Thu Nov. 22 Towards magnetic sounding of the Earth's core by an adjoint method Kuan Li ETHZ
Thu Nov. 29 A quasi-geostrophic numerical model of Earth's core rapid dynamics Elisabeth CanetETHZ
Thu Dec. 6 Paper discussion
Thu Dec. 13 Explicit ionosphere current source modeling and inversion in global geomagnetic induction Jin SunETHZ