EPM Group Seminars - Spring 2014 |
Location: ETH Zentrum, NO F39
14:00-15:00 on date mentioned (unless stated otherwise).
Date | Title | Speaker | Affiliation |
Thu. Jan. 16 | Three-dimensional electromagnetic forward and inverse modelling using adaptive finite-element method | Alexander Grayver | GFZ |
Thu. Feb. 6 | Magnetotelluric soundings to explore for deeper structures of the Tendaho geothermal field, Afar, NE Ethiopia | Ulrich Kalberkamp | Germany |
Thu. Feb. 13 | Audio-MagnetotelluricsTellurics (AMT) as a method in Exploration Geophysics | Shimeles Fisseha | IGSSA, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia |
Thu. Feb. 20 | New transfer functions for probing 3-D mantle conductivity from ground and sea | Christoph Puthe | ETHZ |
Thu. Feb. 27 | 3-D EM inversion of ground based geomagnetic solar quiet data -- Concept and results from the analysis of the Australian AWAGS array data | Stephan Koch | ETHZ |
Thu. Mar. 6 | Spin dynamics and topology in configurations with characteristic Skyrmion numbers | Christoforos Moutafis | PSI |
Thu. Mar. 13 | Magnetic anisotropy and mineral fabric in ultramafic rocks | Andrea Biedermann | ETHZ |
Thu. Mar. 20 | Inertial modes in a rotating triaxial ellipsoid | Stijn Vantieghem | ETHZ |
Thu. Mar. 27 | The Lunar liquid core: Brittany or Bahamas? | Jerome Noir | ETHZ | |
Thu. Apr. 3 | Programming in Geophysics in application to EM forward and inverse problems | Alexey Geraskin | ETHZ |
Thu. Apr. 10 | 3-D MT studies of the Aluto-Langano geothermal field, Ethiopia | Friedemann Samrock | ETHZ |
Thu. Apr. 17 | Functionality and the morphology of magnetosomes in MTBs | Jessica Kind | ETHZ |
Thu. Apr. 24 | no seminar | | |
Thu. May. 8 | Earthquake forecasting using poor-man's transdimensional method | Yavor Kamer and Stefan Hiemer | ETHZ |
Thu. May. 15 | no seminar | | |
Thu. May. 22 | Structural phase transition of a disordered uniaxial ferroelectric | Dimitrios Koulialias | ETHZ |
Thu. May. 27 | no seminar | | |
Thu. Jun. 5 | no seminar | | ETHZ |
Thu. Jun. 19 | Crystallization in the presence of background flow: laboratory experiments | Sophie Miralles | ETHZ |
Thu. Jun. 26 | Blind Source Separation methods applied to geophysical time series analysis | Alexander Grayver | ETHZ |
Thu. Jul. 11 | Experimental Mixtures of Superparamagnetic and Single Domain Magnetite with Respect to Day-Dunlop Plots | Monika Kumari | ETHZ |