EPM Group Seminars - Spring 2013
Location: ETH Zentrum, NO F39 14:00-15:00 on date mentioned (unless stated otherwise).
Date Title Speaker Affiliation
Thu. Jan. 17 Global 3-D EM inversion of Sq variations based on simulataneous source and conductivity determinationStephan Koch ETHZ
Thu. Jan. 24 Tidal instability in Hot-Jupiter/binary systemsDavid Cebron ETHZ
Thu. Jan. 31 Magnetorotational Instabilities in Cylindrical Taylor-Couette Flow Rainer Hollerbach University of Leeds, UK / ETHZ
Thu. Feb. 7 Pyrrhotite: non-stoichiometry and magnetic properties Jessica Kind ETHZ
Thu. Feb. 14 Group ski
Thu. Feb. 21 Laboratory models of geophysical and astrophysical flows Santiago Andres TrianaUniversity of Maryland
Thu. Feb. 28 Paper discussion
Wed. Mar. 6 Reaction waves propagation in disordered flowSeverine Atis FAST Orsay university
Wed. Mar. 13 Experimental studies of von Karman dynamos Sophie Miralles ENS Lyon
Thu. Mar. 14 Electrical conductivity structure of mid-mantle beneath Australia Takao Koyama University of Tokyo / ETHZ
Thu. Mar. 21 The importance of mean fluid particle motion in kinematic dynamo action at high Rm Wietze Herreman Universite Paris-Sud, France
Thu. Mar. 28 Paper discussion
Thu. Apr. 4 Teaching-break
Thu. Apr. 11 Proposal defence Christoph Puthe ETHZ
Thu. Apr. 18 Hunting for magnetic monopoles in bulk matter Phil Mermod CERN and Univ Geneva
Thu. Apr. 25 Master student talk Thomas Philippe ETHZ
Thu. May. 2 (at 10:30) On the solidification process in presence of turbulent and mean flows in planetary cores and subsurface ocean Jerome Noir ETHZ
Thu. May. 9
Thu. May. 16
Thu. May. 23 Magnetic Characterization to Asses the Efficiency of In-vivo Settlement of Magnetic Nanoparticles in Rat Livers Nico Senn ETHZ
Thu. May. 30
Thu. Jun. 6 Analysis and first interpretations of magnetotelluric data from Aluto volcano, Ethiopia Friedemann Samrock ETHZ
Thu. Jun. 13 A geophysical perspective on exoplanet interiors Amir Khan ETHZ
Thu. Jun. 20
Thu. Jun. 27 I. Revival of the telluric method & II. 3-D magnetotelluric (MT) inverse solver Jenneke Bakker ETHZ
Thu. Jul. 18 Tsunami generated magnetic signals C. Manoj NOAA/Boulder USA